Rider on the Rain

Rider on the Rain

Year: 1970
 Duration: 01:46:33
 Directed by: René Clément
 Actors: Charles Bronson, Marlène Jobert and Gabriele Tinti
 Language: English Country: Italy, France Also known as: Le passager de la pluie, Rain, Der aus dem Regen kam, El pasajero de la lluvia, O Passageiro da Chuva, Futó zápor, L'uomo venuto dalla pioggia, Muukalainen sateesta, Neznanec je prisel z dezjem, O taxidiotis tis vrohis, Yagmurla gelen adam Description: Woman (Marlène Jobert from Astragal) kills the rapist and dumps his body into the sea. Soon, a mysterious American appears and starts with her a game of "cat and mouse", seeking a confession in the murder. Review: Rainy night in the life of a girl with a speaking name Melancholy unexpectedly sinister mystery man, and a little while later, another one - prettier, but no less mysterious. Sad and bright film about a possible love, embarrassment pretending detective. Rain - a metaphor for tears, and detective mystery film - the only reason to shy to tell the best kept secret: where does such a painful feeling of loneliness in the rain, and why love, like it or not, always in the past, but always melancholy, now and forever. Screenshots:

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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Friday, April 5, 2013

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